This weekend I was asked by some potential investors to supply some statistics for my game. The information was embedded in my datastore in the player and transaction objects. To extract the data, I decided to iterate over each player in the game. This could have been done with a map part of map/reduce, but I just wrote a simple task queue job to walk the data serially for simplicity since there wasn't a ton of data and speed wasn't a huge issue, the fifteen minutes it took was fine.
To access Fusion Tables I downloaded the Python library for Fusion Tables:
Then I built the table I wanted to create using the Fusion Tables UI:
Then I simply setup my task to insert a fusion table row for each player entity with the desired data in it.
To authenticate I user Client Login:
from authorization.clientlogin import ClientLogin
import ftclient |
token = ClientLogin().authorize(username, password)
ft_client = ftclient.ClientLoginFTClient(token) |
I created a template for the insert I wanted to do
ftquerytemplate = """insert into 1116661 (created_date, login_date, first_transaction_date, last_transaction_date, player_status, number_of_transactions, length_of_play, time_to_txn)
VALUES ('%(created_date)s', '%(login_date)s', '%(first_transaction_date)s', '%(last_transaction_date)s', '%(player_status)s', %(number_of_transactions)s, %(length_of_play)s, %(time_to_txn)s);"""
Then I just iterated over my players, for each 100 players, I saved a cursor and launched a new task with that cursor. I stacked up the inserts into one string and sent them as a single query at the end. There are some things you have to watch out for:
- Null values are entered as empty strings ''
- When entering dates, Fusion tables will enter either just the date or the entire timestamp, however there is no way in fusion tables that I can find to aggregate on a date when you have a timestamp, so make sure you do that conversion in code.
- If you want a number field to be null you still pass it an empty string ''
Below is the complete controller I used to get the data and place it in Fusion tables. There are a lot of things that could be done by mixing fusion tables and Google App Engine. This was just a quick way for me to solve a problem quickly, that's one of the things I love about these technologies, they are very easy to try out.
from controllers import *
from models import model
import datetime
import logging
import ftclient
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
from authorization.clientlogin import ClientLogin
ftquerytemplate = """insert into [mytablenumber] (created_date, login_date, first_transaction_date, last_transaction_date, player_status, number_of_transactions, length_of_play, time_to_txn)
VALUES ('%(created_date)s', '%(login_date)s', '%(first_transaction_date)s', '%(last_transaction_date)s', '%(player_status)s', %(number_of_transactions)s, %(length_of_play)s, %(time_to_txn)s);"""
class UserReporting(BaseController):
def get(self):
def post(self):
def handleReporting(self):
token = ClientLogin().authorize("[myusername]", "[mypassword]") ft_client = ftclient.ClientLoginFTClient(token)
playerquery = model.Player.all()
last_cursor = self.request.get('cursor')
if last_cursor:
fetched = playerquery.fetch(100)
logging.debug("Fetched %s records" % len(fetched))
ftquery = ""
for player in fetched:
#Created data in Fusion Tables
playerdata = {'created_date',
'login_date':player.lastLoginDate if player.lastLoginDate else "",
'player_status':'inactive' if player.inactive else "active"}
if player.lastLoginDate and player.createdDate:
playerdata['length_of_play'] = (player.lastLoginDate -
playerdata['length_of_play'] = 0
count = 0
first_txn = datetime.datetime.max
last_txn = datetime.datetime.min
for txn in player.transaction_set:
count += 1
if txn.timestamp < first_txn:
first_txn = txn.timestamp
if txn.timestamp > last_txn:
last_txn = txn.timestamp
if first_txn != datetime.datetime.max and player.createdDate:
playerdata['time_to_txn'] = (first_txn - player.createdDate).days
playerdata['time_to_txn'] = "''"
playerdata['number_of_transactions'] = count
playerdata['last_transaction_date'] = '' if last_txn == datetime.datetime.min else last_txn
playerdata['first_transaction_date'] = '' if first_txn == datetime.datetime.max else first_txn
ftquery += ftquerytemplate % playerdata
logging.debug("SQL: %s" % ftquery)
if len(fetched) == 100:
taskqueue.add(url='/reporting/userreporting', params={'cursor':playerquery.cursor()})